Monday, March 10, 2008

Birth of My Blog

Welcome to my blog. At the urging of my daughter, Tasha, I am creating a blog concerning my golf experiences and whatever else I want to talk about. Beginning today, March 10, 2008, I will do periodic postings and will be adding photo's from time to time. Feel free to post your comments.
My golf expertise comes from over 45 years of playing, my 16.7 handicap index, and the fact that my partner, Pete Ciabattoni, and I won the great Old Forge Golf Classic in September of 2007. We won by playing great golf on great courses, against 14 great golfers in very tough conditions! We are the CHAMPIONS. Additionally, my other partner, Tom Owens, and I won the season ending CLARK HILL OPEN against two great golfers, Rich Filosi & Denny Obrien. Still waiting for our trophy.

"Until the next time, make the putt the first time!"

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